CRIL INGENIERIE activities in ImageNET
The major activity of CRIL INGENIERIE were to implement and to make available
to all the ImageNET partners a version of the Image processing software
VINCI, that includes specific contributios by JRC (fast transforms), CSCS
(Undine image compression algorithms) and University of Milano, DSI (Fractal
imae compression), in order to provide a commpon image processing
environment for experimentations in various applicatio domains.
This result has been obtained thanks to intensive collaboration with the
above mentioned laboratories. The activities specific to CRIL INGENIERIE were:
full technical support (including active participation) for the integration
of these algorithms in the VINCI environment
participatio to the final test of this enhanced version of VINCI package
migratio of VINCI to SGI platform, as demanded by some partners
realizatio of an english version of the VINCI graphical user interface
In parallel with this main activity, CRIL INGENIERIE has participated to
many meetings and has exchanged experiences on many topics related to
image processing with the ImageNET partners.