Factual Info
May, 26th 1995
Research staff working in each team:
- Jacques David(1993-1995) (team leader)
- Li Huang (1993) (post-doc)
- Javier Garcia de Jalon (1993) (sabbatical year)
- Eric Anterrieu (1993-1994) (post-doc)
- Pedro Pascual (1994) (RECITE trainee)
- Vincent Clochard (1994) (military term stage)
- Juan Anza
- Elena Schaeidt
- Pedro Pascual
- Jesus Lama
- R.J. Hubbold (leader)
- D.J. Hancock
- M.J.Keates
- A.J.West
- D. Arques (leader)
- S. Aubert
- S. Michelin
- B. Piranda
- Ph. Ris
- Daniele Marini(leader)
- Claudio Gatti
- Diego Bordegari
- Vittorio Accomazzi
- Julian R. Gallop
- Brian W. Henderson
- Chris Greenough
- Janet Haswell
- Jean-Pierre Madier, project leader
- Gilles LeRoy, technical manager
- P. Bongers, software engineer
- Jean-Claude Grossetie (leader)
- J.C. Franscescatti
- Michel Amsellem
- Urs Meyer, project leader
- Marc Hohenadel , researcher
- Peter Flukiger , researcher
- Ivan Pontiggia, researcher
- Mihai Datcu, researcher (part-time, on leave of absence from DLR,
Germany )
- Philipp Ackermann, researcher (part-time, on leave of absence from
University of Zurich)
Staff seconded from partner to partner
(sorted by receiving partner)
- 20.02.94 - 02.03.94, Manchester, Ph. Ris: Implementation of M-l-V ray-tracer on
the KSR1 at UMIL.
- 20.02.94 - 02.03.94, Manchester, B. Piranda: Learning the programming
techniques of the KSR1.
- 01.05.94 - 15.05.94, Manchester, S. Aubert: Implementation of UFC modelling
system (SMILE) on the KSR1 and creation of scenes of reference.30 May - 3 June
1994, Ispra (JRC), S. Michelin: Implementation of radiosity software on
parallel computer.
- 11.03.94 - 14.03.94, Manchester, Ph. Ris: Presentation of a new benchmarking
method for ray-tracing algorithms.
- 16.05.94 - 20.05.94: visit by J.Lama from LABEIN
- 07.06.94 - 10.06.94, Milan, D.J. Hancock, R.J. Hubbold: Design of extensions to
DRP for integration with X-EVA.
- 13.02.95 - 17.02.95, Milan, CSCS, D.J. Hancock, R.J. Hubbold: Further
integretation of DRP/X-EVA.
- 11.11.94 - 14.11.94, Ispra (JRC), S. Michelin : Study of new radiosity
acceleration techniques.
- 02.04.94 - 07.04.94, Ispra (JRC), S. Aubert: Implementation of SMILE and
creation of scenes for radiosity rendering.
- 02.04.94 - 07.04.94, Ispra (JRC), S. Michelin: Development of a graphical user
interface for radiosity software.
- 18.07.94 - 19.09.94 Claudio Gatti, University of Milano, refined at CSCS the
DRP (Distributed Rendering Protocol) implementing it inside the X-EVA volume
visualization system.
- 1st.trimester.95, Diego Bordegari and Vittorio Accomazzi, at CSCS, multiple
visits during first trimester, 1995, contributed to the porting of XEVA by Ivan
Pontiggia in a workstation network using PVM, and integrating DRP into the
distributed version.
- 16.02.95, Daniele Marini, Vittorio Accomazzi and Diego Bordegari, UNIMI,
working on integration of X-EVA and parallel EVA renderer developed at CSCS.
- 16.02.95 - 17.02.95, Roger Hubbold, Dave Hancock, MANCHESTER, remote
visualization tests with KVR on KSR-1 at Manchester.
- CRIL Ingenierie
- 19.12.94 - 23.12.94, Marc Hohenadel, CSCS, integration of UNDINE in VINCI.
- 12.12.94-16.12.94, Peter Flukiger, CSCS, worked on graphical user interface
Additional staff financed by network contract and duration of stay
- CRIL Ingenierie
- Gulliermo Ciscar, spanish national, temporary contract (19.07.93-30.06.94)
working on VINCI in the framework of the collaboration with JRC and CSCS.
University of Milano
- Alessandra Canesi, researcher - work on radiosity method for photorealistic
image synthesis
- Maurizio Rossi, researcher - work on parallelisation of ray tracing
- Fabio Pistolesi, undergraduate student - work on fractal image compression
- Massimiliano Ragazzi, Graduate student, work on parallelisation of XEVA
Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico
- Martin Guggisberg, Physics student, University of Basel, participant of the
Second CSCS/NEC Summer Student Internship Program, at CSCS 14.07.94 -
19.09.94. Martin Guggisberg implemented the parallel version of the fractal
image compression code of University of Milano.
University of Milano
- Alessandra Canesi, researcher - work on radiosity method for photorealistic
image synthesis
- Maurizio Rossi, researcher - work on parallelisation of ray tracing
- Fabio Pistolesi, undergraduate student - work on fractal image compression
Scientific meetings
Plenary Meetings
22.09.93 - 23.09.93 Abingdon (RAL), plenary meeting
- 21.07.94 - 22.07.94 Toulouse (CERFACS), plenary meeting
- 15.12.94 - 16.12.94 Bilbao (LABEIN), plenary meeting
- 06.03.95 - 08.03.95 Marne La Vallee, plenary meeting
- 18.04.95 - 20.04.95 Manno, CSCS, final plenary meeting
Working Group Meetings (WG)
17.11.93 - 19.11.93, Manchester (UMAN), WG-IS meeting
Participants: UFC: D. Arques, Ph Ris; UMAN: R.J. Hubbold, D.J. Hancock, M.J.
Keates; UMIL: D. Marini; CERFACS: J. David. Participation in meeting of
UK Visualization Community Club, organised by R.J. Hubbold. Lecture presented
by D. Marini. Followed by network meeting to discuss ray tracing, volume
rendering and radiosity and planning of IS subgroup cooperation.
- 30.11.93 - 01.12.93 Toulouse (CERFACS), WG-SV meeting
Participants: CSCS: U. Meyer, P. Flukiger; LABEIN: S. Casado, JJ. Anza, J.
Batanero, E. Schaeidt; UMAN: D. Hancock, R. Hubbold; RAL: Ch. Greenough, J.
27.10.93 - 28.10.93 Manno (CSCS), WG-IM meeting
Participants: JRC Ispra: JC. Grossetie; UMIL: D. Marini, F.Pistolesi, A.
Canesi; RAL: B. Henderson; CSCS: P. Flukiger, R. Gruber, U. Meyer
04.10.94 - 05.10.94 Ispra (JRC), WG-IM meeting
Participants: CRIL: G. Leroy; UMIL: D. Marini; CSCS: U. Meyer; M. Hohenadel,
JP. Therre, R. Gruber; JRC: JC. Grossetie, M. Ansellem, JC. Franscescatti
08.09.94 Ispra (JRC), WG-IM meeting
Participants: JRC Ispra: JC Grossetie; UMIL: D. Marini, C. Gatti; CSCS: I.
Pontiggia, M. Hohenadel, P. Flukiger, R. Gruber, JP.Therre, U. Meyer
04.11.94 - 05.11.94 RAL, WG-SV meeting
Participants: LABEIN: E. Schaeidt; CERFACS: J. David; CSCS: P. Flukiger, U.
Meyer; UMAN: R. Hubbold; RAL: J. Gallop
Individual Partner Meetings
09.02.94 Milano
CSCS I. Pontiggia, M. Hohenadel, U. Meyer; U Milano: D. Marini, F. Pistolesi,
A. Canesi, D. Bordegari, C. Gatti
- 03.05.94 Didcot, RAL - meeting UNIMI and RAL
RAL J.Gallop, UMIL: D.Marini
- 07.06.94 - 10.06.94 Milano/Manno
U Manchester: R. Hubbold, D. Hancock; U Milano: D. Marini, C.Gatti, D.
Bordegari; JRC Ispra: JC Grossetie; CSCS: R. Gruber, M.Hohenadel, P. Flukiger,
I. Pontiggia
- 19.07.94 Ispra (JRC)
CRIL J.P. Madier; JRC: JC Grossetie
- 29.08.94 - 30.08.94 Ispra (JRC)
CRIL J.P. Madier; CSCS: M. Hohenadel; JRC: JC Grossetie
- 30.08.94 Manno (CSCS)
CRIL: J.P. Madier; CSCS: M. Hohenadel, P. Flukiger, I. Pontiggia, U. Meyer
- 14.09.94 - 15.09.94 Didcot (RAL)
CSCS: M. Hohenadel, U. Meyer; RAL: J. Gallop, D. Boyd, B.Henderson, P. Kent, C.
Greenough, P. Girard, P. Allan
- 16.09.94 Manchester (University)
CSCS: M. Hohenadel, U. Meyer; U Manchester: D. Hancock
- 07.10.94 CSCS
- 17.11.94 Manno (CSCS)
CSCS: U.Meyer, M.Hohenadel, I.Pontiggia , UMIL: D.Marini, M.Ragazzi
- 28.11.94-30.11.94 Manno (CSCS)
LABEIN: J. Lama; CSCS: P. Flukiger, U. Meyer, M. Hohenadel, I. Pontiggia
- 01.02.95 - 02.02.05 Manno (CSCS)
CRIL: P. Bongers; CSCS: M. Hohenadel
- 15.02.95 Milano (UNIMI)
U.Manchester: R. Hubbold, D. Hancock; UMIL: D.Marini, D.Bordegari,
- 16.02.95-17.02.95 Manno (CSCS)
UMIL: D. Marini, D. Bordegari, V.Accomazzi; U.Manchester: R. Hubbold, D.
Hancock; CSCS: U. Meyer, I. Pontiggia, P. Flukiger, P.Ackermann
- 24.02.95 CSCS (Manno)
- 02.03.95 - 03.03.95 Manchester
UMIL: D. Marini, D. Bordegari, V.Accomazzi; U.Manchester: R. Hubbold, D.
- Hancock
05.04.95 Ispra (JRC)
UMIL: D. Marini, JRC: JC. Grossetie, M. Ansellem, JC. Franscescatti
Special Meetings
Meetings JRC/CSCS for the wavelet technical report: (JRC Ispra: JC.Grossetie;
CSCS: M. Hohenadel)
- 01.02.94 Manno (CSCS)
- 18.02.94 Ispra (JRC)
- 08.03.94 Manno (CSCS)
- 11.03.94 Ispra (JRC)
- 24.03.94 Manno (CSCS)
- 31.03.94 Ispra (JRC)
- 11.04.94 - 12.04.94 Ispra (JRC)
- 28.04.94 - 29.04.94 Ispra (JRC)
- 07.05.94 Ispra (JRC)
- 24.05.94 Manno (CSCS)
- 20.06.94 Ispra (JRC)
- 21.06.94 - 22.06.94 Ispra (JRC)
- 26.06.94 Ispra (JRC)
- 12.07.94 Ispra (JRC)
- 17.07.94 - 18.07.94 Ispra (JRC)
List of publications
A description of the network's activities and results can be found on-line on
the World Wide Web
Note: papers marked (*) contain results of work carried out collaboratively
as part of the network.
Arques D., Aubert S. "Modelisation de scenes tridimensionnelles pour
l'animation en synthese d'images : notion d'arbres ECSG et animation", AFIG'94,
Toulouse, Nov. 1994.
Arques D., Brocard D., Michelin S., etude de la methode de l'hemicube :
implantation, analyse et optimisation pour les scenes de radiosites, Rapport
interne, Universite de Marne la Vallee no 95/02.
(*) Arques D., Michelin S., A new radiosity approach for regular objects :
application to ruled surfaces, Eurographics95, 1995, sous presse, Computer
Graphics Forum.
(*) Arques D., Hubbold R., Keates M., Piranda B., Ris Ph., "Tester les
performances en lancer de rayon", Institut Gaspard Monge, equipe de synthese
d'image, Noisy-Le-Grand, 1995, rapport de recherche n0 95/01.
Arques D., Ris Ph., Methode de parallelisation du lancer de rayon integrant une
acquisition dynamique de la connaissance topologique de la scene in Actes de
MICAD 1994, Revue Internationale de CFAO et d'Infographie, Hermes, 9 (1-2),
mars 1994, p. 195-217.
(*) Michelin S., Maffeis W., Arques D., Grossetie J-C., Form factor
calculation: a new expression with implementations on a parallel T.Node
computer, Eurographics93, 1993, Barcelona, Computer Graphics Forum, vol 12(3)
p. 421-432.
Ris Ph., Arques D., Parallel ray tracing based upon a multilevel topological
knowledge acquisition of the scene, Eurographics'94, 1994, Oslo, Computer
Graphics Forum, vol 13(3) p. 221-232.
(*) Piranda B., Ris Ph., "Initiation a la programmation du KSR1 : notions de
base et exemples", Institut Gaspard Monge, equipe de synthese d'image,
Noisy-Le-Grand, 1995, rapport de recherche n0 95/03.
Keates M.J., Hubbold R.J., "Accelerated Ray Tracing on the KSR1 Virtual
Shared-Memory Parallel Computer", University of Manchester, Department of
Computer Science Technical Report, UMCS-94-2-2, February 1994.
Keates M.J., Hubbold R.J., "Interactive Ray Tracing on a Virtual Shared-Memory
Parallel Computer", Computer Graphics Forum, 14(4), October 1995, in press.
(*) Hancock D.J., Hubbold R.J., "A Pipeline Model of Distributed Rendering",
University of Manchester, Department of Computer Science, Centre for Novel
Computing Technical Report CNC/1995/003, March 1995. Also submitted for
conference publication in USA.
Hubbold R.J., Hancock D.J., "Parallel Volume Rendering with Virtual Shared
Memory", University of Manchester, Department of Computer Science, Centre for
Novel Computing Technical Report CNC/1995/004, May 1995.
Gallop J.R., "Underlying Data Models and Structures for Visualization", in
"Scientific Visualization: Advances and Challenges", L.Rosenblum & al.
(eds), Academic Press (1994)
Sastry L., Gallop J.R., "Graphical User Interface Development tools: Report on
the Review and Workshops on the Current State of the Art", DRAL Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory (1994)
Brodlie K., Hewitt T., Larkin S., Willis P., Gallop J., "Graphics and
Visualization - Techniques and Tools: A course for postgraduates of all
disciplines", Computer & Graphics May/June 1994 pp 263-268.
Popovic R., Gallop J.R., and Brodlie K., "The 2nd Annual Report of the EASE
visualization Community Club", RAL report RAL-94-024
Haswell J., "Visualising unsteady, unstructured flow data", in IFIP: Perceptual
Issues in Visualization (to be published)
Accomazzi V, Bordegari D., Gatti C., Marini D.: "Volume Visualisation for non
destructive analysis of industrial ceramics" Internal report, 1993.
Accomazzi, V., D. Bordegari, C. Gatti, D. Marini: "EVA-VisualStudio User
Manual", UNIMI, 1994.
Accomazzi. V., D. Bordegari, C. Gatti, D. Marini: "XEVA-VisualStudio User
Manual", UNIMI, 1995.
Accomazzi, V., D. Bordegari: "Distributed implementation of XEVA volume
rendering system", Internal report, 1995.
Ackermann, Philipp; Meyer, Urs: "Prototypes for Audio and Video Processing in a
Scientific Visualization Environment based on the MET++ Multimedia Application
Framework", CSCS Technical Report, 1995, in press.
Canesi, A., Marini D. "Form Factor comparison methods for photorealistic image
synthesis", Internal report, 1993.
Datcu, Mihai: "Analysis and Synthesis of Multiresolution Stochastic Processes.
Applications in Remote Sensing, Part I: Multiresolution Image Synthesis", HCM
project internal report, August 1994.
Datcu, M.; Seidel, K.: "Analysis and Synthesis of Stochastic Multdimensional
Processes Using Multiresolution and Hierarchic Representations - Applications
in Remote Sensing", JRC-Ispra, April 1994.
Datcu, M.: "Multiresolution Algorithms For The Enhancement of S A R Images",
1995 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'95), in
Datcu, M., G. Schwarz, K. Schmidt, C. Reck: "Quality Evaluation of Compressed
Optical and SAR Images: JPEG vs. Wavelets", 1995 International Geoscience and
Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'95), in press.
Datcu, M., K. Seidel: "Fractal and Multiresolution Techniques for the
Understanding of Geo-Information", Proceedings of The Expert Meeting "Fractals
in Geoscience and Remote Sensing", Ispra, Italy, JRC&EARSeL, 1994.
Flukiger, Peter: "Il texture-mapping nella visualizzazione scientifica", Pixel
1/2, p. 27, 1994.
Flukiger, Peter: "Molekel, grafica 3D interattiva per lo studio delle
molecole", Pixel 1/2, p. 31, 1994.
Flukiger, Peter: "The Application of High-Performance Computing to Interactive
Molecular Graphics", 15th SpeedUp Workshop at Cadro (CH), March 18, 1994, in
SpeedUp Journal, Vol 8 (1), pp. 21-24, June 1994.
Flukiger, Peter; Gruber, Ralf; Mangili, Angelo; Maric, Djordje: "Optimal User
Support by PECCAM: Program ming Environment for Computational Chemistry and
Materials Science", in Proceedings of the 6th Joint EPS-APS International
Conference on Physics Computing PC'94, August 22-26, 1994, Lugano, European
Physical Society, p. 573, 1994.
Gatti, C.: "Implementing DRP into XEVA system", Internal report, 1994.
Gatti, C.; D.Marini, "Issue in Volume Rendering: Volume Visualization inside
the EVA project", Workshop on Multidimensional Data Representation CNR, Roma 68
July 1994.
Grossetie, Jean-Claude; Hohenadel, Marc: "Elements d'analyse du signal par
ondelettes", EUR technical report, 119 p., 1995, in press.
Guggisberg, Martin; Pontiggia, Ivan; Meyer, Urs: "Parallel Fractal Image
Compression using Iterated Function Systems", CSCS Technical Report, 1995.
Hohenadel, Marc: "An Introduction to Image Compression Technology", 15th
SpeedUp Workshop at Cadro (CH), March 18, 1994, in SpeedUp Journal, Vol 8 (1),
pp. 47-50, June 1994.
Marini D., Rossi M. "Parallelising Accelerated Ray Tracing for High Quality
Image Synthesis", WTC94, Como, Sept. 1994.
Marini D., Rossi M. "Parallelising accelerated ray tracing for high quality
image synthesis", Internal report, 1993.
Marini D. "A comparison of IFS and JPEG image compression methods", Internal
report, 1995.
Marini D., Minardi P. "A Fractal method to interpolate a surface" Internal
report, 1995.
Meyer, Urs: "Human Capital & Mobility Program - Interactive Image
Processing and Synthesis on Innovative Computer Architectures". CrossCuts 3(2),
the newsletter of the Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico, Manno, p. 1, June
Meyer, Urs; Mangili, Angelo; Flukiger, Peter: "Visualizzazione al CSCS", Pixel
1/2, p. 21, 1994.
Pontiggia, Ivan: "Parallel Image Processing and Synthesis Algorithms Library",
CSCS internal report, February 1995.
Seidel, K., M. Datcu: "Fusion of real and synthetic images for remote sensing
scene understanding", in Fractals in the Natural and Applied Sciences,
North-Holland, 1994, pp. 359-370.
Weber, Jacques; Deloff, Andre; Flukiger, Peter: "Visualization in Computational
Chemistry", 15th SpeedUp Workshop at Cadro (CH), March 18, 1994, in SpeedUp
Journal, Vol 8 (1), pp. 6370, June 1994.
Newspaper Articles
This section lists articles published in newspapers specifically devoted to
"Centro di calcolo, ricerca e sviluppo tra Ticino e Lombardia", la Regione,
Bellinzona, 1 July 1994.
"La ricerca passa per Manno ed Ispra", l'altra Notizia, Locarno, 1 July 1994.
"Ricerca transfrontaliera", Corriere del Ticino, 4 July 1994.
"Kleine Grenzuberschreitung", Computerworld Schweiz, Zurich, 11 July 1994.
"EU-Forschungszentrum", Der Bund, Bern, 14 July 1994.
"Collaborazione transfrontaliera Ticino-Lombardia nella ricerca e nello
sviluppo", La Svizzera industriale e commerciale, Camera di Commercio Svizzera
in Italia, Milano, Vol. 9, 1994.
Articles published in newspapers/journals where HC&M is referenced
"CSCS baut Kooperationen aus", ETH Intern Vol 16a, Zurich, 3 September 1994.
Gatti, C., Marini, D., Bordegari, D., Accomazzi, V.: "Industrial NDT using
X-Eva system", Video Tape, accepted by 1994 Symposium on Volume Visualization,
October 17-18, 1994 Washington, DC.
WWW server for the ImageNet team
UNIMI has established a WWW server to connect all network teams, hosting in
particular CRIL, JRC and LABEIN partners' data. It consists of general type of
information on the project and the participating partners. Some of the partners
have their own servers and their own information can easily be accessed through
hypertext links.
Tutorials / Training / Lectures
Marini, Daniele: "Introduction to fractal image compression". CSCS, Manno, 27
September 1993.
Hohenadel, Marc: "Tutorial on wavelets. Organized and presented by the author
for the Physics Computing `94 conference at Lugano (CH) the 22nd of August
1994. The theoretical report on wavelets was used as Course Notes.
Hohenadel, Marc: Lecture on wavelet transforms and their application to image
compression. Rutherford Appleton Labs, Didcot, 14 September 1994.
Hohenadel, Marc: Course on wavelet analysis and image compression, 23 December
1994, at CRIL, Toulouse.
Physics Computing `94, August 22-26, 1994.
- A poster was shown at the CSCS booth explaining the goals and objectives of
CSCS HCM collaboration.
- Poster session: Peter Flukiger presented PECCAM (see paper reference
- The image compression software UNDINE and the molecular graphics package
MOLEKEL have presented on-line at the CSCS booth.
Forum Engelberg `95, March 21-24, 1995, conference on Communication,
Technology, Economy, Culture.
- The image compression software UNDINE has been presented at the CSCS
References and acknowledgements:
D.J. Hancock is a Research Associate and Ph.D Researcher supported by grants to
the CNC from the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(EPSRC). M.J. Keates and S. Gibson are Ph.D. researchers supported by Research
Studentships awarded by the EPSRC.
An efficient algorithm for lossless image compression Li Huang (presented to
Compact Shape Representation Using 3D Morphological Skeleton, Li Huang and
J.David, CERFACS TN/VI/93/2 (submitted to IEEE Trans on Pattern Recognition).
State of the Art report: Interactive Simulation of Complex Mechanical Systems,
Javier Garcia de Jalon , Procs. Eurographics 93 (Barcelona)
Volume Rendering of 3D Scalar Data Fields: Application of Ray Tracing to
Visualisation of Radio Astronomical Data, Eric Anterrieu, CERFACS TN/VI/93/1
Seismic waves visualisation and genealogy tracking, Vincent Clochard, CERFACS
Hydro-M Contract Water Basin Data Analysis, Preliminary Report, Jacques David,
April 94. (this is a non-public CERFACS report)
Hydro-M Contract Water Basin Data Analysis, Global Data Analysis Report,
Jacques David, November 94 (this is a non-public CERFACS report)
Hydro-M Contract Water Basin Analysis, Reference Sample Detailed Analysis,
Jacques David, February 95 (this is a non-public CERFACS report)
Gatti C., Marini D., Minardi P., "A Probabilistic Approach to Voxel
Classification", Eurographics Workshop on Computer Graphics and Mathematics,
Santa Margherita Ligure (1991)
Morisseau P., Martin M., Sire P., Pastor L., Marini D., Gatti C., Taylor D.,
Gounet C., "X_ray voludensitometry: Applications to the testing of technical
ceramics", 13th World Conference on Non Destructive testing, Sao Paulo (1992)
Canesi A. Marini D., Perricone G. "Videorealism methods for interior light
design" , in: M.R. Beheshti, K. Zreik Ed.'s, Advanced technologies:
architecture,planning, civil engineering, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1993)
Gatti C., Marini D., Minardi P., "An Interactive System for Volume Analysis",
in: Palamidese P. Ed. Scientific Visualization, Advanced Software Techniques,
Ellis Horwood Ltd., New York (1993)
Marini D., Rossi M. "Parallelising Accelerated Ray Tracing for High Quality
Image Synthesis", WTC94, Como, sept. (1994)
Barenghi A., Mancini E.G., Marini D., Accomazzi, V. Bordegari D., "Computed
Tomography data: 3D visualisation and Cephalometric Analysis in Orthodontic
Diagnosis of Cranio Facial Deformities" IInd Mediterranean Congress of Oral
Maxillofacial Surgery, Athene (1993)
Gatti C., Marini D., Minardi P., "An Interactive System for Volume Analysis",
in: Palamidese P. Ed. Scientific Visualization, Advanced Software Techniques,
Ellis Horwood Ltd., New York (1993)
V. Accomazzi, D. Bordegari, C. Gatti, D. Marini, "EVA-VisualStudio: un sistema
per la analisi e visualizzazione di imagini tridimensionali per il test e la
diagnosi non distruttiva", Pixel 14, 6/7 (1993)
Holecz, F., M. Datcu, D. Small: "Model based radiometric correction of optical
imagery in mountainous regions for snow cover segmentation", 1993 International
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'93), Tokyo, Vol.2: Better
Understanding of Earth Environment, IEEE Cat. No. 93CH3294-6, pp. 401-403.
Datcu, M., F. Holecz: "Generation of synthetic images for radiometric
topographic correction of optical imagery", SPIE OE/Aerospace Sensing Orlando
'93, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 1938, Recent Advances in Sensors, Radiometric
Calibration, and Processing of Remotely Sensed Data, Editors: Pat S. Chavez,
Jr., Robert A. Schowengerdt, pp. 260-271.