Final Global Report, J.D.A.David
June, 1st 1995
Title:Interactive Image Synthesis and Processing on Innovative Computer
Contract NumberERB-CHRX-CT93-0088
Contractual Period20 September 1993 - 19 March 1995
CoordinatorJacques DAVID/Pierre-Henri CROS, CERFACS, FR
tel +33 61 19 30 05 (or +33 1 45 95 62
fax +33 61 19 30 30 (or +33 1 43 86 74
Other Participants (scientific officer)
Roger HUBBOLD, University of Manchester, GB (coded UMAN in
Didier ARQUES, University of Franche-Comte, FR (coded UFC)
Daniele MARINI, University of Milan, IT (coded UMIL)
David BOYD, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, GB (coded RAL)
Jean-Pierre MADIER, CRIL/INFOROP,Toulouse, FR (coded CRIL)
Jean-Claude GROSSETIE, JRC, ISPRA, EEC (coded JRC)
Ralf GRUBER, CSCS, Manno, CH (coded CSCS)
Objectives of the Network:
The main objective was to develop a common understanding of the problems of
image data analysis and manipulation, to exchange software tools, expertise,
and to experiment with each other's approach and methods on different hardware
platforms including parallel computers, in application domains such as
computational fluid mechanics, weather forecasting, satellite and medical image
processing, visualising complex 3D CAD models, molecular modeling,synthesis of
holograms. To develop such common base, has been established that cover
technical knowledge in the fields of 2D and 3D imaging and the use of parallel
computer systems , targeted to industrial companies as well as scientific
Network methodology has been to organize activity in three Working Groups (WG)
with the following themes:
Working Group on Scientific Visualisation (WG-SV)
objectives: distributed visualisation, 3D/volume rendering, graphical and
object-oriented user interfaces
Working Group on Image Synthesis (WG-IS)-
objectives: parallel algorithms for image synthesis with ray tracing and
- members: UMAN, UFC, UMIL, JRC.
Working Group on Image Manipulation (WG-IM)-
objectives: algorithms and experience exchange in image processing, image
compression, remote sensing
- members: CSCS, UMIL, RAL, CRIL, JRC.
Each Working Group has been coordinated by the first member in the list. Some
cross-over activities resulted due to partial overlap of the themes.
Roles of the Participating Teams:
CERFACS (also acting coordinator for contract with the Commission) has been
participating mainly in Scientific Visualisation and user interface, and
following other subgroup activities such as compression and wavelets,
object-oriented paradigms and user interfaces.
UMAN has been providing techniques and software to enable distributed image
synthesis (distributed rendering protocol - DRP), and assistance with
implementation of parallel software codes, especially on the KSR1 computer,
with provision of parallel ray tracing (KRT)and volume rendering (KVR) codes
for comparisons.
LABEIN has been working upon scientific visualisation and user interface, in
CAD/CAM, metal forming and fluid dynamics applications areas, exchanging
experience and data with other partners.
UFC has contributed software for 3D modelling (SMILE) and realistic rendering
(ray tracing and radiosity codes), and designing criteria for evaluation and
comparison of this software with that developed by the other teams.
UMIL has been providing know-how and software tools for volume visualisation
(X-EVA) and fractal image compression, running on parallel computers and
integrating them in state of the art software (CRIL's VINCI).
RAL has expertise in scientific visualisation, image processing and satellite
imaging, and has been collaborating with other labs to tests compression and
imaging methods upon its working remote-sensing data (ERS-1/ATSR) and
validating implementations of algorithms and results.
CRIL is an industrial company in teledetection, image processing and hardware
platforms market. Working with other partners, its aims to propose, implement
and validate image processing, tranqsforms and compressions algorithms in its
commercial grade software, VINCI, to be made available to partners for a
one-year period.
JRC implemented various fast transform algorithms that are widely used and
known in image synthesis and be integrated in VINCI; also wavelet
and fractal techniques have been studied and implemented.
CSCS has expertise in and developed tools for scientific visualisation (MOLEKEL
package) and remote visualization (MET++ extensions), image compression
techniques (UNDINE), and remote-sensing techniques. Specifically the
compression algorithm has been distributed to and used by several partners to
accomplish their objectives (integration in VINCI, applied on ATSR satellite
Major results:
A principal objective was to use advanced tools for visualization of numerical
results, particularly those obtained in CFD simulations of industrial
problems, as well as for visualization and animation of results in simulation
of metal forming processes. The activities in this field were related to
exploration of new visualization techniques for CFD and for metal forming
simulations, evaluation and application of different tools to industrial
problems and generation of an R&D project for development and industrial
application of visualization techniques.
Several visits by LABEIN to Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, University of
Manchester and CSCS have contributed to a common understanding of the current
state of the art in advanced visualization tools as well as to improve
visualization and animation of current CAE systems for CFD and FEM
Enhancements and developments of graphical user interfaces for the scientific
visualization of molecular data have been realized. Most functional parts of
the molecular graphics package MOLEKEL have been enhanced with an X/Motif
compliant graphical user interface, and the rendering tasks have been ported to
OpenInventor. An input generation tool for Gaussian-92, an intensively used
computational chemistry package, has been developed to allow scientists to
setup and launch a numerical calculation from the same program that is
afterwards used to analyze and visualize the results.
CERFACS have worked on 3D visualization and compression of volume data, for
several applications. Information has been exchanged with University of
Manchester and RAL. CERFACS originally intended to offer CS2 resources for
collaborative work, but delays in the arrival and availability of this system
meant that this could not be achieved.
Comparison of industrial GUI-builders and evaluation of own-developed builder
tool were made by LABEIN and CSCS, and similar work is ongoing for
public-domain tools.Virtual Reality became of significant interest to several
partners (RAL, LABEIN, UMAN), with visits to partners and others laboratories.
Potential applications include aerospace design, large scale CAD, and numerical
simulation results visualisation.
The SMILE modelling language developed at UFC was distributed to UMAN and JRC.
This provides a common 3D modeller, allowing standard scenes to be used with
the different partners' software for comparison of algorithms and alternative
parallel machines. A SMILE interface to KRT was developed at UMAN for this
The UFC ray-tracer was implemented on the KSR1 parallel computer at UMAN,
permitting comparison of results with the KRT system, using the same test
scenes. The UMIL ray tracer was also parallelised on the KSR1 at UMIL, and a
paper published about this. Work on benchmarking techniques for ray-tracing is
continuing beyond the formal end of the collaboration; a joint technical report
has been produced detailing the comparisons made so far.
UFC and JRC have jointly developed new radiosity techniques, leading to much
faster solution times. A paper on this work has been accepted for publication.
The X-EVA volume rendering system (UMIL) was distributed to the other partners.
It has been ported to the KSR1 at UMAN and a parallel version was implemented
at CSCS. UMAN and UMIL worked together on refining the distributed rendering
protocol (DRP) and integrating this into the X-EVA interface, providing a
powerful platform-independent rendering environment. Interactive use of
distributed rendering with this system (ray tracing and volume rendering) was
demonstrated at the final project meeting at CSCS. Tests of DRP performance
over the Internet were made from CSCS to Manchester; results of this are given
in a paper submitted for publication.
Different ray tracers were ported on KSR1 system, providing the conditions to
compare ray tracing on different architectures and from different algorithmic
approaches, in particular those by UMAN and UFC teams. The effective
comparison has not been completed within the network timing period.
JRC has worked on Fourier Hadamard, Paley, Walsh and Haar Transforms. All these
transforms can be implemented by a Cooley-Tukey algorithm, or a modified
Cooley-Tukey algorithm. Thus, computation of Fourier, Paley, Walsh, Hadamard
and Haar transforms is fast and simple. JRC has also worked in the field of
high compression fileds and wavelet and fractal analysis;
compression-decompression is done with following steps:
Define the eigen wavelets associated with a specific image.
Compress the associated "image" using a block iterative scheme using eigen
- wavelets.
Define the eigen operator for associated quantification.
Apply the advance lossless compression techniques for having the final
result (LZW, Huffman, arithmetic coding ...). During the previous step, the
fractal dimension and associated directory are computed, Thus adaptive wavelet
techniques can be defined for the reconstruction.
The reconstruction process is performed in the reverse order except the
During the reconstruction process, fractal and eigen wavelets dictionary
are updated.
Finally the original image has been reconstructed but enlargement and
zooming are now available in the same way as the fractals.
JRC has also worked in holographic synthesis, which requires an important
amount of computational time as well as a large amount of storing capacity of
computer peripheral devices. This is a consequence of extensive use of
numerical fast transforms (like: FFT, Walsh...) and advanced coding (like:
Lohmann, Lee, Tarasov...).It has been demonstrated that for CGH, all of these
algorithms are well suited to massive parallel computers since at least 1 GFlop
is needed.
JRC has large experience and expertise in the areas of parallel computing
applications (SUPERNODE and CONCERTO CS1 programming, ray tracing, radiosity,
CGH) and in the domain of holographic synthesis (optical transforms, fast
transforms including Fourier, Hadamard, Walsh-Paley, Haar, Wavelet transforms).
Recent domains of applications include multi-speckle holograms of coherently
illuminated objects using an iterative fast-transform phase retrieval algorithm
to study spatial correlation of laser-speckle intensity measurements.
CSCS has developed better image compression tools than currently available
(such as JPEG) and applied them to image data supplied by the other partners. A
new wavelet-based image compression algorithm has been developed and
implemented (UNDINE). Comparisons on various image data show that in general
much higher compression ratios that with JPEG can be achieved. The UNDINE code
has been integrated in the VINCI image processing software of CRIL. The
algorithm has been tested at RAL on remote sensing images (ERS-1/ATSR) and
better understanding of the requirements of earth observation applications have
been gained. A comprehensive technical report on wavelets has been published
together with JRC Ispra.
Originally it was planned to embed further enhanced versions in a remote
visualization environment. First steps lead to integration of remote video
tools into a multimedia application framework. This will enable scientists
without the necessary video facilities to generate and preview video animations
from their remote site. This part has been realized at CSCS together with
Multimedia Lab, University of Zurich.
A further activity at CSCS has been applications of multiresolution techniques
in remote sensing. It envisages to give an overview of the field of
multiresolution analysis and synthesis and mainly to establish bridges and to
integrate different methods and techniques. The project itself has two parts:
The first, Multiresolution Image Synthesis, presents a method for the accurate
visualization of the corrugated surfaces, and a new technique for the
topography influence rejection from optical Remote Sensing images, with
applications in snow cover segmentation in alpine regions. The second part,
Analysis of Multiresolution Stochastic Processes, contains and a report
presenting the operatorial formalism of time, frequency, scale representations,
its relations with the multiscale and multiresolution signal representation,
and topics in hierarchic stochastic processes and their implications in
multidimensional multiresolution signal characterization.
CSCS collected algorithms from various partners of the Network to produce an
Algorithms Library that includes parallel image processing and synthesis
modules developed for a distributed heterogeneous computer environment. The
library is available for all partners of the project. It presently includes a
color correction algorithm for laser printers, the parallelized volume
visualization code X-EVA (UMIL), and the parallelized fractal image compression
algorithm (UMIL). The implementation is based on PVM. Furthermore, the fractal
image compression has been ported to the Cenju-3 massively parallel computer at
CSCS and also been integrated into VINCI (CRIL).
CRIL Ingenierie integrated "ifs_comp" image compression algorithm into VINCI
image processing system, allowing to use a powerful environment to explore
different image compression schemes.
The commercial-grade VINCI software has been further enhanced and the following
actions have been taken:
Full technical support for the integration of transforms and compression
Completion of the translation of the VINCI graphical user interface
Edition of a VINCI documentation in PostScript
Final tests of the enhanced VINCI on various types of images.
As some partners only own workstations of type Silicon Graphics (SGI), CRIL has
migrated as part of this project the enhanced VINCI to SGI. This version has
been actually presented at the final network meeting.
Comparison between objectives and work done:
volume data manipulation:
all the teams share common software tools and systems to explore volume data;
moreover advanced architectures have been explored and special software
components are now available to share freely computational resources both
across WAN and local workstation networks;
photorealistic image synthesis:
a common knowledge is now available to all the teams, particularly concerning
ray tracing and radiosity approaches; both approaches have been explored and
compared on a wide set of computer platforms, including transputer based and
shared memory architectures; the participating teams are now at the leading
edge in this research field; knowledge and experience is also available in the
domain of graphical user interfaces and could have been applied immediately to
a molecular graphics application.
image coding and compression:
the possibility of studying and comparing different coding methods (JPEG,
wavelets, IFS) have given the team a common knowledge on this field, and this
knowledge is also integrated in a large software system.
Assessment of benefit working together
Assessment of network contribution to training and mobility:
CRIL employed on a temporary contract Guillermo Ciscar, spanish national, for
working on VINCI in the framework of the CRIL-CSCS-JRC collaboration. G.
Ciscar is currently working at JRC on image compression techniques for the
VINCI environment.
The University of Milano team has given a specific contribution based on the
skills in the field of interactive volume visualisation, advanced
photorealistic rendering and fractal based image compression. A series of
seminars have been organised during the meeting on the following topics:
- Volume manipulation and rendering methods
- Computational methods for form factor estimation in radiosity based
rendering algorithms
- Parallelisation of ray tracing algorithms
- Fractal image compression and comparison with JPEG and other methods.
CSCS has given a tutorial, course and lecture on wavelets and their application
to specific fields:
- Tutorial on wavelets. Physics Computing `94 conference at Lugano (CH),
August 1994.
- Lecture on wavelet transforms and their application to image compression at
Rutherford Appleton Labs, Didcot, September 1994.
- Course on wavelet analysis and image compression at CRIL Toulouse, December
Significant benefits from working together with other laboratories are:
- Experience of international collaboration with partners of different
nationalities and of different scientific background
- A better knowledge of the state-of-the-art of image processing techniques,
specifically in image compression and fast transforms
- Development of strong relationships with some partners on which future
collaborations could be built. As a first effect, two people previously at
CRIL are now pursuing work at JRC.