Title:Interactive Image Synthesis and Processing on Innovative Computer Architectures
Contract NumberERB-CHRX-CT93-0088
Network methodology has been to organize activity in three Working Groups (WG) with the following themes:
Working Group on Scientific Visualisation (WG-SV)
Each Working Group has been coordinated by the first member in the list. Some cross-over activities resulted due to partial overlap of the themes.
UMAN has been providing techniques and software to enable distributed image synthesis (distributed rendering protocol - DRP), and assistance with implementation of parallel software codes, especially on the KSR1 computer, with provision of parallel ray tracing (KRT)and volume rendering (KVR) codes for comparisons.
LABEIN has been working upon scientific visualisation and user interface, in CAD/CAM, metal forming and fluid dynamics applications areas, exchanging experience and data with other partners.
UFC has contributed software for 3D modelling (SMILE) and realistic rendering (ray tracing and radiosity codes), and designing criteria for evaluation and comparison of this software with that developed by the other teams.
UMIL has been providing know-how and software tools for volume visualisation (X-EVA) and fractal image compression, running on parallel computers and integrating them in state of the art software (CRIL's VINCI).
RAL has expertise in scientific visualisation, image processing and satellite imaging, and has been collaborating with other labs to tests compression and imaging methods upon its working remote-sensing data (ERS-1/ATSR) and validating implementations of algorithms and results.
CRIL is an industrial company in teledetection, image processing and hardware platforms market. Working with other partners, its aims to propose, implement and validate image processing, tranqsforms and compressions algorithms in its commercial grade software, VINCI, to be made available to partners for a one-year period.
JRC implemented various fast transform algorithms that are widely used and known in image synthesis and analysis.to be integrated in VINCI; also wavelet and fractal techniques have been studied and implemented.
CSCS has expertise in and developed tools for scientific visualisation (MOLEKEL package) and remote visualization (MET++ extensions), image compression techniques (UNDINE), and remote-sensing techniques. Specifically the compression algorithm has been distributed to and used by several partners to accomplish their objectives (integration in VINCI, applied on ATSR satellite images).
Activities in this field were related to exploration of new visualization techniques for CFD and for metal forming simulations, evaluation and application of industrial tools. Several visits by LABEIN to Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, University of Manchester and CSCS have contributed to a common understanding of the current state of the art in advanced visualization tools as well as to improve visualization and animation of current CAE systems for CFD and FEM simulation.
The molecular graphics package MOLEKEL have been enhanced with an X/Motif compliant graphical user interface, and the rendering tasks have been ported to OpenInventor. An input generation tool for Gaussian-92 (a computational chemistry package), has been developed to allow scientists to launch and post-process a numerical calculation from the same program
Comparison of industrial GUI-builders and evaluation of own-developed builder tool were made, and similar work is ongoing for public-domain tools.Virtual Reality became of significant interest to several partners (RAL, LABEIN, UMAN), with visits to partners and others laboratories. Potential applications include aerospace design, large scale CAD, and numerical simulation results visualisation.
Image synthesis
SMILE modeling language (3D modeler developed at UFC) has been distributed to partners and ported to KSR1 (UMAN), then used to compare rendering algorithms and parallel architectures. Ray tracers (UFC, UMIL) have been ported, parallelised and compared on different architecture (KSR, CS1). Radiosity techniques have been developed. UMIL X-EVA volume renderer have been ported to different architectures (KSR) and interfaced to distributed rendering protocol tools developed at UMAN.
Image manipulation
A new image compression algorithm UNDINE has been developed by CSCS, achieving much higher compression ratios than JPEG. It has been integrated into CRIL's VINCI image processing software and tested at RAL on remote sensing images (ERS-1/ATSR); better understanding of the requirements of earth observation applications have been gained. Other activities in remote sensing include new techniques for Remote Sensing image analysis, report on analysis of multiresolution stochastic processes, and a remote visualization tool based on video (CSCS, Uni Zurich).
The volume visualisation tool X-EVA developed and further enhanced by UMIL has been parallelized at CSCS resulting in a high-level algorithms library (that also includes a color correction and the fractal image compression algorithm). The fractal image compression algorithm has been integrated in VINCI by CRIL.
Various fast transform algorithms (by JRC) have been integrated in VINCI. Wavelet and fractal techniques have been studied and implemented, with compression factors of over 100 in many cases. A comprehensive techical report on wavelets has been written (JRC, CSCS).