"... is an interdisciplinar group concerned with the integration of technology + communication + art + design ..." | ||||
ABOUT USF.A.B.R.I.CATORS carries out activities in the artistic and technological field. One of the basic aims of the group is to devise contemporary ways of creation and of comm unication, development of methods to combine and use art and technology in the design and production of projects, interactive art pieces, multimedial projects, VR ins tallations, creative interfaces, worked out on the basis of the integration of mult idisciplinary expressions and disciplines, such as: art, culture, technology, archit ecture, design using the creative system defined as "Uptodates".
F.A.B.R.I.CATORS provides full service development, in the design and production ad h
oc for third parties. |
F.A.B.R.I.CATORS s.a.s -
Via Fratelli Bronzetti 6 - Milano/Italy Phone: ++39-2-70128233 - Fax: 76110498 - email:fabricat@galactica.it |