"... is an interdisciplinar group concerned with the integration of technology + communication + art + design ..."


F.A.B.R.I.CATORS is an interdiciplinary group concerned with the integration of technology + communication + art + design.

F.A.B.R.I.CATORS carries out activities in the artistic and technological field. One of the basic aims of the group is to devise contemporary ways of creation and of comm unication, development of methods to combine and use art and technology in the design and production of projects, interactive art pieces, multimedial projects, VR ins tallations, creative interfaces, worked out on the basis of the integration of mult idisciplinary expressions and disciplines, such as: art, culture, technology, archit ecture, design using the creative system defined as "Uptodates".

F.A.B.R.I.CATORS provides full service development, in the design and production ad h oc for third parties.
Design and products:
Interactive installations, multimedial projects, VR ambiences, creative interfaces, lending emphasis to the aesthetical outlook by combining functionality and fantas y in a harmonius way, as well as, giving primordial attention to the efficiency in re lation to the interaction and interface and the quality of the content to be integr ated and communicated and at the same time maintaning coherence with the applicatio n to be used and the ambience in which it will be integrated. The group's primary activities include: consulting, elaboration of multimedia conce pts, story boarding, graphic design (2D and 3D) digital production (simulation, anima tion, VR).
It has the ability to effectively combine graphic images, animation, music, video an d textual information, posesses the skill to design and project architectonic and scu lptural support.
Uses as tools for accomplishing its objectives: multimedia technology, graphics, digital production, animation, Virtual Reality, 3D-Vision-interactive.

F.A.B.R.I.CATORS s.a.s - Via Fratelli Bronzetti 6 - Milano/Italy
Phone: ++39-2-70128233 - Fax: 76110498 - email:fabricat@galactica.it