"... is an interdisciplinar group concerned with the integration of technology + communication + art + design ..."


Collaborative Research
Production (CRP)
Works to be produced
through CRP

F.A.B.R.I.CATORS dedicates a great part of its research to means of communication and to the elaboration of bizarre and efficient inventions. It carries out intense research activity in the communication fields with the use of "low and high tech". One of the basic aims of the group is: to create new instruments of communication, methods to use and combine ART and TECHNOLOGY, in order to give birth to a new means of communicating, creating a more dynamic and contemporary bridge between the human being -history and human being-technology.

Collaborative Research-Cooproduction:

If one of our concepts,ideas,projects or works in progress of F.A.B.R.I.CATORS is of interest to a museum, science centre and/or cultural-research insitute, we have a modality of co-production which consists of: production of the installation with the financial and infrastructural support of the interested party.
The interested party will undertake the financing, production, facilitating of equipment and laboratory support requiered for the production. In the collaborative research and co-production process we don't add author's fee, autorship rights, in all its extensions, non additional charges except for the production costs, facilities costs and working-time spent in the design and production. The pieces will remain in the possession of the financier and one of the basic and only condition requiered by F.A.B.R.I.CATORS is that the financer gives ample exposure to the pieces in a serious expositive space which is frecuented by a heterogeneous and fluid public.
If one concept, idea, project, work on progress of a science centre, museum or cultural research centre falls within the philosophical concept we manage and /or complies with our mission, this also could enter into this collaborative co-production process. Under this scheme, we also take care of the production, taking into account the best contribution to realize the idea with the basic production, facilities and working time cost financied by the institution requiring the service.
One of our principal aims for the next two years will be to produce pieces which reenter into our philosophy and direction in order to expose them to a large public and, in the process, establish a constant dialogue with the visitor and new generation of public.

F.A.B.R.I.CATORS s.a.s - Via Fratelli Bronzetti 6 - Milano/Italy
Phone: ++39-2-70128233 - Fax: 76110498 - email:fabricat@galactica.it