About the Laboratory of Eidomatics

The Laboratory of Eidomatics has been established in 1990, at the Department of Information Sciences of the University of Milano.

Its aim is to provide an organisation for researches in the field of computer imaging.

The name Eidomatics comes from the acronym of eidos which means, in Greek, image or idea, and the suffix of informatics, to convey the connotation of an interdisciplinary area, crossing both image processing, computer graphics, vision and cognitive aspects of computer imaging.

The laboratory has a variety of workstations:

In future the laboratory will provide also devices for 3d manual input, to complete the tools necessary for the exploration of Virtual Reality methods to interactive imaging.

This FTP site has been supported by a donation of Hewlett Packard.

Our group

Prof. Daniele Marini

I love playing my self-built Zuckermann Clavichord.

Dept. Information Sciences
University of Milano
Via Comelico 39, 20133 Milano, Italy
phone# +39 +2 55006 358 office
+39 +2 55006 339 lab
+39 +2 55006 334 fax
e_mail: marini@dsi.unimi.it

Dr. Maurizio Rossi

e_mail: maurizio.rossi@polimi.it

Dr. Diego Bordegari

e_mail: borde@eidomatica.dsi.unimi.it

Dr. Angelo Moretti

e_mail: angmore@box1.tin.it

Dr. Ludovica Marini

e_mail: lmarini@eidomatica.dsi.unimi.it

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