EVA Project: the ray tracing approach
XEVA applications on confocal laser microscope visualisation
at Agouron Institute
by Daniel Chin
Some animations:
- A ceramic turbine blade (62K).
This sample has been acquired using a micro focus conic projection X-ray Tomograph; the size is ca. 3 cm. long.
A ceramic pre combustion chamber (434K).
This animation shows a micron size defects in a ceramic component. The sample has been acquired with a micro focus conic projection X-ray tomograph. There are three main scenes: first the single slices are displayed in sequence; second the volume is built up by stacking the slices; third the rendering smoothly changes from opaque threshold to transparent rendering, while a section plane makes more visible the interior of the volume. Final frames show one of the voids included in the ceramic object.
Some medical data:
A brain tumour, volume size: 61x144x144 (43K)
A dry skull, volume size: 255x220x176 (17K)
The new version X_EVA, is based on Motif and is portable on most Unix workstations; it is available in public domain.