Overview of the research on Volume Analysis and Rendering
Our research in Volume analysis and rendering started in 1989 under a research contract with the EEC. The principal aim of the project, now concluded, was to develop a system to test and inspect technical ceramics using X-Ray Voludensitometry.
A special scanner has been realised by Intercontrol (Paris) and Leti (Grenoble), based on a microfocus device, and on conic projection to minimise effects due to non isotropy, typical of slice scanners.
Polytechnic of Madrid tuned an efficient algorithm to reconstruct a volume from multiple conic projections; while Regie Renault (Paris) provided specification of some typical part to be produced by Fairey Techramics (Manchester). Our Laboratory developed EVA-VisualStudio to display, classify and inspect reconstructed volume data.
The focus of our research is on five aspects:
high quality rendering of a data set, using a variety of methods: threshold, mixture models with percentage classification, x-ray simulation;
ray tracing and splatting rendering methods;
semi automatic classification, based on interactive manipulation of histogram to select thresholds to be used for the different rendering methods;
easy to use interactive and standard system;
porting of the rendering engine on supercomputer and parallel machine
(Paragon Intel, KSR1, Convex) to improve rendering speed on big data
The new version X_EVA, is based on Motif and is portable on most Unix workstations; it is available in public domain.
Gatti C., Marini D., Minardi P., "An Interactive System for Volume Analysis", in: Palamidese P. Ed. Scientific Visualisation, Advanced Software Techniques, Ellis Horwood Ltd., New York (1993)
Gatti C., Marini D., Minardi P., "A Probabilistic Approach to Voxel Classification", Eurographics Workshop on Computer Graphics and Mathematics, Santa Margherita Ligure (1991)
Morisseau P., Martin M., Sire P., Pastor L., Marini D., Gatti C., Taylor D., Gounet C., "X_ray voludensitometry: Applications to the testing of technical ceramics", 13th World Conference on Non Destructive testing, Sao Paulo (1992)
V. Accomazzi, D. Bordegari, C. Gatti, D. Marini, "EVA-VisualStudio: un sistema per la analisi e visualizzazione di imagini tridimensionali per il test e la diagnosi non distruttiva", Pixel 14, 6/7 (1993)