Overview of the research on Volume Analysis and Rendering

Our research in Volume analysis and rendering started in 1989 under a research contract with the EEC. The principal aim of the project, now concluded, was to develop a system to test and inspect technical ceramics using X-Ray Voludensitometry.

A special scanner has been realised by Intercontrol (Paris) and Leti (Grenoble), based on a microfocus device, and on conic projection to minimise effects due to non isotropy, typical of slice scanners. Polytechnic of Madrid tuned an efficient algorithm to reconstruct a volume from multiple conic projections; while Regie Renault (Paris) provided specification of some typical part to be produced by Fairey Techramics (Manchester). Our Laboratory developed EVA-VisualStudio to display, classify and inspect reconstructed volume data. The focus of our research is on five aspects:

The new version X_EVA, is based on Motif and is portable on most Unix workstations; it is available in public domain.


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