XEVA VisualStudio
is a software system that allows to visualize and analyse volume data from a variety of sources, such as CAT scanners, NMR data, confocal laser images etc. It has been developed under a funding of the EEC, to provide a software system suitable for non destructive inspection and analysis of industrial ceramics.
XEVA is an interactive system whose interface is based on Motif;
the look and feel of XEVA
Some animations:
A CAT scanned head (75k)
rendered with maximum intensity illumination model.
A head with different rendering (113k).
- The CT scan is from the Chapel Hill Volume Rendering Test Dataset,
Volume II (available from omicron.cs.unc.edu []
in pub/softlab/CHVRTD/volII). The data was taken on the General
Electric CT Scanner and provided courtesy of North Carolina Memorial
Hospital. You may redistribute this data provided you include the
above information about the source of the data. The voxel data set has a size of: 256x256x113
- A ceramic turbine blade (62K).
This sample has been acquired using a micro focus conic projection X-ray Tomograph; the size is ca. 3 cm. long.
A ceramic pre combustion chamber (434K).
This animation shows a micron size defects in a ceramic component. The sample has been acquired with a micro focus conic projection X-ray tomograph. There are three main scenes: first the single slices are displayed in sequence; second the volume is built up by stacking the slices; third the rendering smoothly changes from opaque threshold to transparent rendering, while a section plane makes more visible the interior of the volume. Final frames show one of the voids included in the ceramic object.
Some medical data:
A brain tumour, volume size: 61x144x144 (380K)
A dry skull, volume size: 255x220x176 (109K)
The new version X_EVA, is based on Motif and is portable on most Unix workstations; it is
available in public domain.